Saturday, October 24, 2009

secrets secrets...

how sad is it that I'm packing up my sewing room to make it look like I have less fabric than I do, solely so you won't ask questions I'm dying to answer? sigh. also, this is a strategic angle because my dumb kitty was licking himself in the corner and wouldn't move. maybe it's better to have the fabric covered...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

first attempt at fashion

there is just an absurd amount of fabric here. I'm making dad some shorts (and you some pants) for when you guys come visit in 2 weeks. the pattern is air force jets. :D

Monday, October 12, 2009

impending doom

I think he thinks its a runway...

Pushing Buttons

I'm pretty sure it's against some kind of cardinal rule to sew buttons on quilts, espcially if the quilt's purpose is as a throw blanket. but I'm gonna do it anyways. so there.

Monday, October 5, 2009

I haven't forgotten, I promise!

It's been a crazy busy week and weekend, and I needed to work on something smaller for a bit to let my mind rest.  I'm still toying with ideas for what to do about the big open spaces that aren't quilted yet, and I need to do the binding...other than that, this thing is done!

I've been working on Grammom's bag.  It's been a fun project, and I think I might keep doing small stuff like that in my spare time.  I really need to finish the quilt and then focus on school though...maybe not in that order lol. 

Anyways, I haven't quit yet, and there will be more pictures when more are ready.  You're coming to visit in a month or so, so I'm kind of hoping to have it done by then so it's easy to hide.  :-P